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English VIP
English VIP
Class 7: Professions
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Aula 4: At the supermarket
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Advanced Learner Texts
28 anos no mercado
Expressando opiniões em Inglês
1. Are you in favor of Euthanasia?
2. Are you in favor of abortion?
3. Would you like to be famous?
4. Are you in favor of gun ownership?
5. Are you in favor of same-sex marriage?
6. What is your biggest dream?
7. Is internet making us stupíd?
8. Which is better: Capitalism or Socialism?
9. Do you believe aliens exist?
10. Do you believe in the attraction law?
11. Can money bring happiness?
12. Should kids have cell phones?
13. Are you in favor of death penalty?
14. What do you think of Globalization?
15. Are we manipulated by the media?
16. Do you prefer to live in a house or apartment?
17. What do you do to relieve stress?
18. How to achieve world peace?
19. What makes you lose emotional control?
20. What is the best way to learn a new Language?
21. What talent would you like to have?
22. What would be your perfect weekend?
23. What makes a good Language Student
24. Have you ever faced an emergency situation?
25. Was the world better before the internet?
26. Are you in favor of Mariajuana Legalization?
27. What is most important to you in a car?
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